Thursday 10 September 2009

Carnival, Hogwarts, & tattoos... with BethAnn

Equipped with a backpack of clothes and armed with a camera,
my baby sister BethAnn flew from Brooklyn over the ocean.
Having only been here during the dark & dreary Christmas season,
she'd not yet experienced the beauty of England with
leaves on the trees and warm sunshine!

They say a picture is worth a thousand words...
but she took nearly a thousand photographs of our time together!


Magical Big Ben (they didn't see Peter Pan flying around)

lunch and a giggle break

We made a stop at the same Fullers Pub we visited 6 years ago
when the London Underground had a black-out.

(was some guy checking me out? or is Sam just pulling a face?)

more walking through St James' Park... and an ice cream

To Buckingham Palace to see the Queen!!

("one guard for the Tourists... one guard for the Terrorist")

The Wellington Arch with the Statue of Peace on top.

(we took this identical family photo nearly 3 years ago!! It wasn't in England though!)

Little legs are exhausted -it's back to the hotel we go.


We found him!!
Amazing detail in the statue -fairies and mermaids
Now, let's fly off to Neverland...
Sandy, were you sprinkled with faerie dust??

and Captain Hook's pirate ship :)

The "Never Land Playground" was simply amazing.
BethAnn had to tell some kid off for chucking sand at the girls.
That's right, don't mess with her babies!

The children's parade was LOUD
and the post-party was immediately claustrophobic.
Good food, though: jerk chicken, rice & peas, watermelon
and a fresh coconut to wash it down.

Our poor, little girls have unfortunately inherited
both parents' dancing (in)abilities,
but they sure did have fun trying to get their groove on!

(If you've never read or seen any Harry Potter stories,
then I apologize for any confusion...
just know we had a magical time!)
On the way out of London we left King's Cross Station from
Platform 9 3/4 and took the train home.

The next day we 4 girls took a road trip up north to
"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry" (Alnwick Castle).

BethAnn surprised the girls with their own magic wands
and we wandered the grounds turning strangers into statues.

Molly found a great place to learn to fly a broom.

We were surprised to bump into
Hagrid, Professor Dumbledor & Hedwig the Owl!

A lot of magic and giggles for all ages
-with the exception of finding out the difference
between "wet Muggle water vs dry wizard water"
(Molly got drenched with the 'Muggle' water)
... okay, she looks pitiful, but you had to be there. hilarious.

the day ended with an ice cream
and a lovely rainbow over Alnwick Castle


Princess Picnics -synchronized juice box chugging

little pouting princess

Sandy... what is this face all about!??!

Molly -now you, too??

Anyway, have we told you about the sister tattoo?
Here is BethAnn with her 3 bubbles...
...and her very non-English lunch.

then she and I went to the prettiest tattoo parlor ever and...

I got MY Sister Tattoo! (augh!! I did it!!)
absolutely no regrets. I love it.

back home and:

Who says Side Walk Chalk isn't versatile?
Our final day we picked plums from the tree next door and
made Plum Preserves ~BethAnn said they "tasted like Christmas"

Whenever Aunt BethAnn comes over we never stop
laughing, being silly and apparently pulling a crazy face!
Thank you for flying out, my baby sister.
We all love you tons & tons

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