Wednesday 6 May 2009

Our girls' days

What do we do in Darley?
Often we'll take the girls for a little bit of bike riding,

or go on a mosey in the field behind our house with Da
to watch the baby lambs hopping around,

and every week we run off to class.
Molly does 'itty-bitty' ballet and is such the dancer.
Here is a video of her doing The Jack-In-The-Box. (my favourite)

Sandy decided after the winter break that ballet was nice, but not really her thing. She took up swimming last term and man is she a little fish! She is really having fun learning to swim and this Spring term she 'graduated' from the red class to orange (very exciting, you know!) Here she is swimming through a hoola-hoop under water... my little mermaid.

1 comment:

The Fantastic Four said...

Your kids are so beautiful! I am so jealous of the beautiful countryside that you guys enjoy. It reminds me of my honeymoon. Hope to see you stateside soon.

Love, Sarah